Strong returns

Strong returns give you more super

At REI Super we actively and astutely manage our members’ investments, while keeping a watchful eye on costs to further boost returns to members’ accounts. As a result, our long-term net investment returns continue to perform strongly.

When measured over 10 years, the Balanced option has provided an average net investment return of 6.69% per annum.

How do we do it?

Our investment strategy is:

  • To get the best possible returns for our members by identifying investments that offer good value and a good return for their level of risk.
  • To diversify across a range of different types of investments.
  • To invest less when markets are expensive and invest more when they are cheap.


Note: Future investment performance can vary from past performance, and you should not base your decision to invest in REI Super simply on past performance. Past earning rates are not an indicator of future earning rates. The investment returns of REI Super are not guaranteed, and the value of the investment may rise or fall.