
We’ve doubled our members’ money since the GFC

posted on 28.06.2016

REI Super has been named as one of only eight funds to achieve what was unthinkable just over seven years ago – managing to double our members’ money since the GFC, even without taking member and employer contributions over that period into account.  

According to ratings agency SuperRatings, REI Super’s Trustee Super Balanced option delivered an accumulated net return of more than 100 per cent between 1 March 2009 and 31 May 2016.

REI Super CEO Mal Smith said the Fund’s control of capital and downside risk for members was a fundamental tenet of REI Super’s investment thinking.

“Even given the worst economic shock in more than 70 years, a long term focus on risk/return, and resisting the urge to react by switching, has rewarded REI Super members, with real returns in excess of our investment goals.

“It really reinforces the message that a diversified investment approach, while uncomfortable in a volatile and uncertain investment climate – produces better longer term results.”



Please note: Future investment performance can vary from past performance, and you should not base your decision to invest in REI Super simply on past performance. Past earning rates are not an indicator of future earning rates. 

investment news investments