It's easy to neglect your super. But our Wellness Check provides simple steps that could make a big difference to your future financial wellbeing.
1. Find and combine any lost super
There’s currently billions of dollars in lost super in Australia - some could be yours if you’ve changed names or moved jobs a lot and not taken super with you. Owning multiple super accounts means you’re paying multiple fees and (probably) multiple insurance premiums. This is money that should be boosting your super, not draining it, through the power of compounding interest. Find and combine all your super accounts today, and you’ll also enjoy having less paperwork moving forward.
2. Review investment option/s
Depending on how close you are to retiring and your appetite for risk, changing your investment options (or mix) could really impact how your super performs. We invest in Cash, Bonds, Shares and Unlisted Property and Infrastructure which are not open to individual investors. Each investment option has different performance objectives, risks and investment time frames, so you should choose the option/s that best suits your needs. All our options aim to outperform industry averages and benchmarks. Learn more about how we manage investments.
3. Make extra contributions
It may sound obvious, but making even small extra contributions to your account each month can make a big difference to the size of your super account come retirement time. The most common method is Salary Sacrifice, where money is ‘sacrificed’ from your salary before tax and put into your super to grow. This means you could also save on tax as these contributions are only taxed at 15%. Other options are making after-tax contributions, such as lump sums (commissions, payouts); low-income earners may be eligible for a Government Co-Contribution; or if you’ve taken time off to study or raise children, your spouse may be able to contribute to your super.
4. Check your insurance cover
What stage of life you’re in often dictates how much and what type of insurance/s you need. For example, young people renting and with no dependents may need more TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) Insurance and less Life Insurance cover than someone with a partner, children and a mortgage. Likewise, once kids have grown up and moved out, Income Protection may no longer be necessary. Therefore, it’s important to regularly check the insurance cover inside your super to make sure you’re not paying for cover you don’t need or aren’t covered for something you need. Our handy insurance calculator can help take the guesswork out of how much insurance you need.
5. Check your beneficiaries
It’s something a lot of people don’t want to think about, but it’s important to consider who you’d like your super to go to (known as your ‘beneficiaries’) should you die. This is because if you don’t nominate a beneficiary, laws dictate that we’ll have to decide, and we may not choose the person/s you would have. You’ll also need to decide whether your nomination is binding or non-binding (non-binding only acts as a guide, whereas binding ensures we pay your super and any insurance benefits to your chosen beneficiaries).
Start boosting your financial wellbeing
As we all know, it’s harder getting to the gym, than doing the workout. Looking after your financial wellbeing is no different. That’s why we’re always here to help. Call 1300 13 44 33 to speak to our professional financial planners, who can help you on the right path.
The information contained in this article does not constitute financial product advice. REI Super does not give any warranty to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information provided. Although REI Super makes every reasonable effort to maintain current and accurate information, you should be aware that there is still the possibility of inadvertent errors and technical inaccuracies. REI Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd ABN 68 056 044 770, AFSL 240569, RSE L0000314 Trustee of REI Super (ABN 76 641 658 449), SPIN REI0001AU, RSE R1000412. MySuper unique identifier 76641658449129